Monday, November 3, 2008

It’s all about me…or maybe you…

Famous personalities are brands, and the current US presidential candidates are no exception. According to new research by Synovate, John McCain and Barack Obama have more in common than you may think with some of the world’s most recognized brands.
When you think of Diet Coke and Apple, John McCain probably doesn't come to mind but he's similar to both brands in a few important ways. Each has a confidence and straightforwardness to shout about who they are and what they believe in. They don't bother talking about their features or benefits; they simply put themselves out there and expect you to figure out for yourself why you should like them. This is a classic 'me me me' strategy. These brands have chosen something to stand for and invite you to join them in their club with other like-minded folks.
Barack Obama, on the other hand, is more about what he'll do for you than what he's all about. More like Red Bull rather than Diet Coke, he's 'you you you' focused. He believes his policies offer a benefit for you and that's what he's going to shout about. This strategy is outer directed and is the basis of how he's been connecting with voters. Brands that focus on you, instead of me, talk more about the specific benefits they have that will make your life better.
With the current economic turmoil in the world, perhaps 'you you you' is a better offer for brands than 'me me me'?
Read more about how the candidates are connecting with voters here.

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